Marjanski Đir


Marjanski đir



1500 m (375 m)

Two laps of 750 meters are swum counter-clockwise, i.e. one lap of 375 meters for the super sprint.
The start is from the sea south of the pier “Matejuška”.
At the end of the second, i.e. the first round, you pass on the right side of the buoy and swim to the small beach where you exit the sea and enter the transition.


40 km (10 km)

The track is circular with two turns. The first turn is on the rotor on Benam, and the second on the rotor on Meja. Leaving the transition zone, drive along the West Coast to the rotor on Meja and continue towards the rotor on Bene.
Competitors in the Olympic distance do 4 laps between two rotors, and those in the super sprint do only one lap.
After the last lap, the competitors continue driving along the west coast towards the transition zone.


10 km (2.5 km)

They run three and a half, i.e. one and a half laps in a counter-clockwise direction.

Competitors in the Olympic triathlon, leaving the transition zone, continue to run towards the West Coast. At the end of the West Coast, there is a turn and return to the transition zone. Then you run to the end of the Riva, turn towards and around the palace, down Marmontova Street, and towards the Matejuška pier, until you reach the beginning of the running track.

Competitors in the super sprint race do not go to the West Coast, but when leaving the zone, they go immediately to the Riva and continue on, just like the competitors in the Olympic distance.

After the competitors make three, i.e. one lap, they start a new one on the same road, but when they reach the Silver Gate, they pass through the same one and go to the finish line on the Peristyle.



Sea temp

21-23° C



Air temp

24 - 28° C





Transition zone

After the contestants exit the sea, the contestants continue running to the left towards the zone. There they take a bicycle and push it to the mount line on the road.

The return to the zone is the same way in the opposite direction, but competitors must pass on the left side of the zone and push the bike from the mount line to the entrance of the zone.

Competitors, leaving their bikes and leaving the zone, continue to run towards the west coast.